(937) 550-1449

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If you are sitting there in the middle of the night, and have heard the sounds of animals moving either in the attic or in the walls, we know that you may be very concerned about the sounds that you hear. As one of the largest animal removal companies in the area, we have the staff to be able to offer a 24/7 helpline that you can call to discuss your situation and to offer practical advice and steps that you can take yourself. They can also talk you through what our technicians might do to resolve the issue, along with being able to arrange a quick callout for one to visit your premises – often available on the same day. We take pride in being able to handle almost any pest animal situation that this region can throw at us – and having been serving people in the area for over a decade it certainly does throw us a curveball from time to time. Our agents are highly trained and will often have years of experience, so will be able to tailor the right animal removal solution to deal with your particular situation effectively. Unfortunately, animals that have been present in different parts of domestic or commercial property may have soiled the area or caused damage, so our technicians can also offer high quality repairs and a full sanitization solution.